Gale Acuff: a poem
Report Card I never knew what hit me when I died that morning – I fell, between leaf and blade while I was swinging on a rotten rope from...
Gale Acuff: a poem
Paul O'Prey: a poem
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Richard Manly Heiman: a poem
Sharon Philips: a poem
Peter Mackay: a poem
Lucy Heuschen: a poem
Elisabeth Kelly: a poem
Pratibha Castle: a poem
Misha Lazarra: a poem
Hélène Demetriades: a poem
Jenny Robb: a poem
Daniel Cowper: a poem
donnarkevic: a poem
Al Mcclimens: a poem
Maggie Sawkins: a poem
Bridget Khursheed: a poem
Paul Muldoon: a poem
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Jo Balmer: a translation
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