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Bridget Khursheed: a poem

A study of walnuts

Tight-fisted baby hands

something in them

I want or an ear

that doesn't listen

shrunk from a man

known long ago

or a map of a mountain river

in Bhutan, glacial washes

pouring sediment

into its gorge.

A traveller's tan

or stained wooden chest;

a feeling of ambiguity.

will this piece last?

a good, edible thing.

a brittle kernel

so difficult to extract whole

even holding the key.

eaten in quantity like gravel.

The space between eating

as large

as a child's christmas.

Bridget Khursheed is a poet and geek based in the Scottish Borders. She is a Scottish Book Trust New Writers Award winner for poetry and her video poem Dead Loss features in the current Scottish Poetry Library Vision 2020 project. Her pamphlet Roads to Yair is published by Twinlaw and she is widely published in magazines including Ambit, The Rialto, Abridged, New Writing Scotland, Zoomorphic and Gutter. When not writing she has been studying for an MSc in cybersecurity. You can find her on Twitter here: @khursheb.



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