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Maggie Sawkins: a poem

Red Geranium on an Isolation Ward

She knew how to die –

the earth around her stem

was so dry it refused

the water we poured there

and though, like a ritual,

we snapped off

each bruised cluster

before it had time

to fall,

there was no renewal –

even the sun pushing

its fist through the window

could not coax her.

Maggie Sawkins is the author of five poetry collections: Charcot’s Pet, The Zig Zag Woman, Zones of Avoidance (winner of the 2013 Ted Hughes Award for New Work in Poetry), Many Skies Have Fallen and, most recently, The House Where Courage Lives (Waterloo Press). She lives in an old station master’s house on the Isle of Wight and delivers writing projects in community settings for people from all walks of life. You can find her here:



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