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Mark Connors: a poem

Photograph by Joanna Sedgwick

To the Rescue

Leave the village and you're soon

amongst the curlews, their

woodwind madness,

the counterpoints of lapwing,

crow and buzzard.

And as you run, towards

the apex of a hill,

where summer foxgloves

grow taller than dry-stone-walls

and moors beyond

reveal themselves,

gently guide you into them,

a familiar rush engulfs you.

You would never cry like this,

unless your great love drained you stupid,

a dippy half-reality of tears.

Why the fuck are you crying?

And how can you be so happy

in this tired, locked-down world?

Don't tell me this euphoric bliss

that, at its best, beats any time

you've come, this free morphine

for the soul, is just a matter

of natural opiates and receptors

and nothing to do with how much

you love what you're doing

and where you choose to do it.

Mark Connors is a poet and novelist from Leeds. His poetry pamphlet, Life is a Long Song, was published by OWF Press in 2015. His first collection, Nothing is Meant to be Broken, was published by Stairwell Books in 2017. His second collection, Optics, was published by YAFFLE in 2019. You can find him here:



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